

Tourism is an important source of income for many cities, regions and provinces. Increasing the number of tourists and keeping them longer in their own city is an important objective for many cities. Mezuro information gives a good picture of tourism in the (inner) city or municipality and the development thereof through a periodic measurement. It is therefore ideal to determine the results of measures and the effect of policy independently. Mezuro information helps you with this!

Information that Mezuro can provide
The Mezuro information distinguishes domestic and foreign tourists

Domestic tourists:

  • Number of day tourists (occasional visitors)
  • Origin of day tourists
  • Number of stay-over tourists
  • Origin of stay-over tourists

Foreign tourists:

  • Where do foreign visitors come from (per country)
  • The percentage of foreigners compared to the region / nationwide


  • Ranking between 5 or more cities on the above aspects

Available reports
Insight into Tourism: Numerical reporting of the Mezuro information. This report has been developed in collaboration with Zicht op Data.
Analysis of Tourism: Including an extensive analysis based on the Mezuro Information conducted by one of our partners. An example can be found through this link (summary) and this link (report).

Key benefits

  • Decisions are made and plans are made on the basis of measurements and substantiation and not (only) on the basis of intuition and feeling.
  • Very much insight into domestic one-day and residential tourism, regardless of whether one is staying in a hotel or elsewhere.
  • Figures are available 24/7/365. Compared to surveys and manual counts, this reflects trends and fluctuations much better during a certain period.


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